Areas of Study
Select Degree Location
- Artist Diploma (Post-Master’s)
- Composition
- Conducting
- Music
- Music Education
- Music Industry
- Music Performance
- Bachelor of Music in Jazz & Commercial Music
- Bachelor of Music in Performance (Guitar, Piano, Wind, Strings, Percussion or Voice)
- Master of Music in Performance (Guitar, Instrumental, Keyboard, Voice, Wind, Strings, Percussion, or Woodwind Doubling)
- Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance (Instrumental, Keyboard, Voice, Conducting, or Woodwind Doubling)
- Music Therapy
- Musical Theatre Accompanying
- Pedagogy – Voice
- Acting
- Musical Theatre
- Musical Theatre Accompanying
- Theatre Design & Production
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production (Costume Design)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production (Lighting Design)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production (Scenic Design)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production (Sound Design & Reinforcement)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production (Stage Management)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production (Technical Production)
- Graduate Certificate in Church Music
- Undergraduate Certificate in Church Music
- Undergraduate Certificate in Costume Design
- Undergraduate Certificate in Lighting Design
- Undergraduate Certificate in Scenic Design
- Undergraduate Certificate in Songwriting
- Undergraduate Certificate in Stage Management
- Undergraduate Certificate in Technical Production